Data Management Solutions

There are times when you simply need to have direct access to your company’s data. The ERP doesn’t always have all the fields you need in the right place. Your BI solution may try to do too much or just doesn’t give the data to you in the format you really want. Your access to large volumes of data in the cloud may have performance and cost implications. A good Data Management Solution will deliver the data in the format that you choose so you can slice and dice it using your favorite tool.

The Right Tool for the Right Job


E&A’s directly accessible data warehouse that is synchronized with data from Infor CSD via the Infor Data Fabric.  ProData is deployable within our MS Azure environment where it is natively accessible from your Office 365 tools or inside your privately managed cloud or on-premise environment.


E&A’s configurable query solution for the TakeStock system.  Directly report on data using row and column controls you create and export to Excel.

Infor Operating Service

The powerful environment in which all Infor cloud applications reside, the Infor OS can be used to create workflows to get your business processes in line and reporting on exceptions to the rules that you create.

ProSQL Replication

E&A’s powerful synchronization solution that keeps a private SQL database up to date with the contents of the FACTS data files.

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