
27 Results
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Building a Responsive Supply Chain Strategy

Who would have thought a term like “supply chain”, traditionally reserved for business and boardroom discussions, would become a topic du jour with the average consumer? It has–and not because it’s an overly compelling topic. “Supply chain” is now part of our everyday dialogue because almost everyone felt the impact of interruptions when the pandemic […]

Growth through Distribution Innovation: The Key Theme from the TUG CONNECTS 2023 Conference

The TUG CONNECTS 2023 Conference brought hundreds of distribution professionals together for a week of interactive networking and education. The educational sessions covered many topics, but the central theme of the conference came down to the need for distributors to focus on synergy and innovation. Innovation can propel companies toward profitable growth, while ignoring opportunities […]

Lean Supply Chains in Turbulent Times

How can distributors maintain a lean supply chain when marketplace turbulence compels them to buffer for hard times ahead? Before the pandemic, accurate forecasting and demand planning made supply chain management somewhat predictable. Distributors within a lean supply chain were able to deliver more customer value with diversified product inventory while reducing operating expenses.  Since the […]

Distribution Industry Trends that Will Drive Operational Decisions

If the pandemic taught distributors anything, it was that adaptability and technology are keys to success. Technology is required to operate efficiently and compete effectively. The right solution improves customer service and helps your business save money—improving your bottom line. It will also help you weather the storm of supply chain issues, which have pushed […]

Customer Experience Transformation: A Roadmap for Distributors

Creating an experience that keeps your customers satisfied and loyal to your distribution business requires more today than it did 20 or 30 years ago. Back then, proximity alone generally meant customers were unlikely to defect to a competitor. Today, customers are more educated with more choices than ever, and they are swayed by criteria far […]

The Next Frontier of the Wholesale Distribution Industry

Key Themes from the NAW 2023 Executive Summit At the recent NAW Executive Summit, one overarching message was clear: the next frontier of the wholesale distribution industry will require pioneering business leaders to navigate a still uncertain future with a steady hand and a willingness to adapt. For three days, attendees mingled, networked, and collaborated […]

4 Ways to Increase eCommerce ROI with Customer Stratification


Tools of Your Trade

Make a Difference… In almost every career, your success can be tied directly to how well you know the tools of your trade.  For a wood worker, it’s table saws and jigs; for software developers it’s languages, directives, libraries, and technologies.  People who know their tools create success in business.  Those who lack detailed knowledge […]

Control Costs to Drive Profit


SPEED Up Sales and Profits in 2023

How Companies Can Capitalize in a Challenging Economy. SPEED* is a methodology defined by the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors (NAW).  Leveraging the insights gained from a Customer Stratification analysis, SPEED can help your wholesale/distribution business grow sales more profitably and sustainably in 2013, as follows: Start by modeling what your Core customers tend to buy from you. Then, […]