
21 Results
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Manufacturing Optimization: The Path to Profitable Growth

Manufacturing optimization is defined as the practice of utilizing data to build better products more efficiently, all with the goal of creating and sustaining a competitive advantage. Applying manufacturing optimization methodologies to core functions such as inventory management will, in the end, drive top-line revenue and bottom-line profit. It’s a smart investment that will future-proof your […]

Building a Responsive Supply Chain Strategy

Who would have thought a term like “supply chain”, traditionally reserved for business and boardroom discussions, would become a topic du jour with the average consumer? It has–and not because it’s an overly compelling topic. “Supply chain” is now part of our everyday dialogue because almost everyone felt the impact of interruptions when the pandemic […]

The Future of Business Intelligence: Like it or Not, Microsoft has Already Won the BI Battle

Microsoft’s Power BI has won the scramble to become the standard in the Business Intelligence space.  You might want to stop reading now but let me explain further. I am not saying Power BI has the absolute best feature set. I am not saying Power BI is necessarily the easiest platform to learn. I am […]

An era of diminishing returns: why no one needs a new BI solution

Technological innovation will continue to drive the scientific, educational, and business communities forward. There are times when the pure act of innovation allows subsequent applications of a new technology beyond what was originally anticipated. The US Space Program is a classic example of this. CPU processing power and digital storage improvements have launched “Big Data” […]

Growth through Distribution Innovation: The Key Theme from the TUG CONNECTS 2023 Conference

Authors: Thomas Fitzgerald and Tim Plotner The TUG CONNECTS 2023 Conference brought hundreds of distribution professionals together for a week of interactive networking and education. The educational sessions covered many topics, but the central theme of the conference came down to the need for distributors to focus on synergy and innovation. Innovation can propel companies […]

Lean Supply Chains in Turbulent Times

How can distributors maintain a lean supply chain when marketplace turbulence compels them to buffer for hard times ahead? Before the pandemic, accurate forecasting and demand planning made supply chain management somewhat predictable. Distributors within a lean supply chain were able to deliver more customer value with diversified product inventory while reducing operating expenses.  Since the […]

Technology Implementation Best Practices for Distributors

Distributors equipped with the right technology solutions can reduce costs and operational inefficiencies, boost performance and productivity, enhance their employee experience, and even transform the customer journey. But selecting the right technology is only part of the equation. Your implementation strategy is an important factor in determining how effectively any given solution can impact overall […]

Employee Experience Strategy for Distributors

The best distributors in the industry make creating a positive employee experience a top priority. That’s because it’s closely correlated with increased productivity. Moreover, companies with satisfied employees also tend to have happier customers.  Having a positive employee experience is also associated with lower turnover, a greater ability to attract top talent for open positions, […]

Distribution Industry Trends that Will Drive Operational Decisions

If the pandemic taught distributors anything, it was that adaptability and technology are keys to success. Technology is required to operate efficiently and compete effectively. The right solution improves customer service and helps your business save money—improving your bottom line. It will also help you weather the storm of supply chain issues, which have pushed […]

Six Ways Companies are Driving Supply Chain Efficiency: Key Insights from ProMat 2023

ProMat is the industry’s largest trade event for manufacturing and supply chain innovation.  During this year’s ProMat event hosted by the Material Handling Institute (MHI), attendees from 1,000 of the world’s leading supply chain solution providers gained a front-row seat to what the future holds for manufacturers. Through several hands-on demonstrations and educational seminars, I […]